Wednesday, February 15, 2012

9th of February 2012

Not one to let a bit of bad weather deter me, by the 9th I was ready to get back into the silly shoes category and wear shoes with holes in the side (they're supposed to be there by the way) although given the icey conditions on the pavements, a more sturdy heel than a stiletto was required today.

When I first got these shoes, they didnt look as they do today- they had black rubber looking laces in them. I didnt like the laces. So I replaced them with some pink ribbons :) I could replace them for a different colour when I feel like it too. How genius!

But I do love these shoe boots. They go with trousers or skirts. They dont really go with the socks in this picture- admittedly... but who cares. I quite like the socks in hindsight.

These shoes are getting to be worn out. I will have to have them reheeled when they finally break because I cannot bear to lose these shoes. I have a bizarre sentimental attachment to these shoes. I feel like I owned them in a previous life or something when I was a 50s siren. (I must have been) or maybe I was just destined to own them.

Anyway, they make me feel confident and happy. A good sign with a shoe.

Oh and Mr Louboutin made a v similar pair a couple of years ago (I've had these shoes much longer than that though) so I pretend he copied me. I've never seen these shoes on anyone else either. I must be unique. :)

Love always,
Tishoo xx

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