Sunday, January 22, 2012

19th of January 2012

Yawn, earliest start EVER in Amsterdam. Being an hour ahead meant losing an hours sleep. Plus the training started at 8.30am which meant leaving the hotel around 7.30. Plus checking out of the hotel. Oh and breakfast.

I finally arrived at the training at 8.35 after missing breakfast, running for a tram, missing the metro, and finally running from the metro station to the office. PHEW! I dont think I did too badly considering I had my 'hand luggage' (ahem) and new shoe-purchase in tow.

Of course me, being me, erupted into the training in my usual manner- I had no electric swipe key for the office, so had to ring the bell, then I made a lot of noise. Oh and I was late. But hey, I like to make a lasting impression :S haha! Then I pulled my breakfast out that I'd managed to grab when I missed the metro, which made even more noise and MESS. Croissant madam? Doh!

So really it was a darned good job I'd worn the right shoes today. I could not have tottered about at the tram stop in heels (oh it was raining too- my favourite- NOT!) and as the training was a lot to do with ones self (we learnt about how we interact with each other and our own management styles etc) I wore my personality on my sleeve. Or Feet, as it were.

Hey now, you're an all star, get your game on...

Yep, more Allstars. But again, not just any allstars.

These allstars are my own design. On the converse website you can design your own allstars, then converse make them for you and for the very reasonable price of 66 pounds (for mine, other styles may vary) deliver them to your door.

Imagine my excitement at having my own design delivered. (Yes thats right, not even dogs could hear the squeals!)

One of my nicknames is Tushie. Based on my real name and my backside. Its a compliment I'm ASSured. ;) heh heh

They have cupcakes in the lining :) (sadly not scented or edible)

I could rave about these shoes all night. I love them. Some people hate them, but I made them for me. Or rather converse did upon my specification. Oh Converse how I love you so. If only other shoe people could follow suit! Or maybe I should bring out my own range instead :D

On that note, I'll shut up about MY allstars. But I do love wearing these ones and I will make sure to look after them too.

Love always, and a special kiss and hug for Converse today,
Tishoo xx

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