Thursday, January 5, 2012

1st of January 2012...

OK, So I must firstly confess, its not actually the 1st of January, its the 5th. But I have only just got the internet at home so I havent had chance to start the blog.

So whats the blog about you might be asking. Well if you know me then you'll know... its shoes. And if you dont the title gives it away.

I have been 'collecting' (collecting isnt the best word, its more like enjoying) shoes for the past... 10 years? I love shoes, the wilder, the wackier, the higher, the shiner the better :) this, I am told, started at a young age. My dad tells me regularly about the time he took me to buy some shoes. I was only young, maybe 2 years old. I had tiny little red mary janes. The lady in the shop let me wear them out of the shop (so I didnt have to take them home in a bag first) and my dad couldnt get me to walk because every step involved me kicking my leg to face height and going 'ooooohhhhhh shooooooooooooes'. Not much has changed, I'll be honest.

So as the years have gone on, I've become well known for my shoes. It started out as a hobby, or a passion, and became an obsession. People even ask me 'have you bought any new shoes this week'. I confess the answer is usually... 'yes'. :S

The first photo I will share with you is what sparked this whole blog. I had decided to organise my shoes- I keep them all in thier boxes, some even with the tissue paper around and if they dont come in a box, they are assigned one! This became rather a faff in the mornings and I was running out of space so I stumbled across a company making easily stackable, interlocking clear boxes... perfect- now I can see which shoes are where and save space. And just to be 'extra' I added a photo to the end of each box (the boxes open at the end by the way) should you wish to persue.

So I showed a few people my artwork, i mean shoe display and a number of people commented 'Theres no way you possibly wear ALL of those shoes'. Pppppffffff. These people obviously dont realise I'm not adverse to wearing 6 inch platformed stilettos to the office or popping into Sainsburys in full on glitter shoes on a friday morning. In essence, the challenge was set. Wear all of your shoes girl, and prove it.

Hence, the blog was born. I will now proceed to wear a different pair of shoes/boots/trainers (lets say footwear) every day until I have worn ALL of my shoes. I suspect I can hold out until May... or longer.


The first pair of shoes for my blog deserve some explanation. It was a rancid afternoon in June. My friend and I were out doing our usual weekend shoe trawl when we traipsed (fully laden with bags) into the Guess store in Amsterdam. Bee-lining to the shoe section we both stopped dead, our jaws hit the floor and we looked up to see... the shoe. Creamy velvet, so black cats were jealous, a beautiful curved heel and delicate little lacing. We both grabbed the shoe and instantly turned it over to reveal the killer... the price. OK, so far too expensive considering we'd just spent a fortune... we both tried them on anyway. To die for. Hmmmm. Our hands starting twitching, moving for our bank cards, we snatched each others handbags and told each other firmly 'NO'. We knew we'd own these shoes.

A few months later the same friend went to New York and dutifully hunted down these shoes at the far more affordable American rate. This same friend also achieved instant success with these shoes in discovering the American version have leopard print soles... an additional vavavoom to the already beautifully made design. :) if she were a guy, I'd marry her. She brought us each back a pair in her full-to-bursting suitcase. Now that is a true friend.

So it was only fitting that when we went to a burlesque show in Amsterdam on new years eve that I should wear these shoes. Making them the first pair of shoes I was wearing in 2012. Thank you Ms Day, you have no idea how much I love these :) and because its me... I wore them with a back seam pair of tights, the seam... leopard print!

And so, this blog will continue, for as long as I can hold out. If any shoe companies happen across this blog and would like to keep me going for the whole year by donating me a few pairs, I will happily advertise you.

Life is like a good pair of shoes. It may hurt, you may get scratched and scuffed along the way but you just have to keep walking.

Love always,
Tishoo xx

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