Tuesday, January 31, 2012

27th of January 2012

FRIDAY YAY! Friday was going to be a busy day and after falling asleep early on thursday night (and not getting ANYTHING done) I had a rushed morning to get everything ready that I needed to do. Phew! So I went for flats.

These trainers have a special place in my heart. I didnt get these when I first saw them and wanted them. For once in my life I asked myself 'when would you wear them' and I couldnt come up with an answer. I just wanted to look like Uma Thurman in kill bill. Hmmm. So I didnt get them.

BUT. I couldnt stop thinking about them. Or coming up with occassions when I could, or would, wear them.

I went back in a panic- would they be gone- would they only have a size 3 pair left? Nope, it was fate, my babies were still there. I was very tempted to wear them out of the shop and keep kicking up my feet going 'ooooooooh'.

They may be bright yellow trainers... but I love them and thats all that matters.

Keep smiling
Love always,
Tishoo xx

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