Tuesday, January 31, 2012

28th of January 2012

Saturday morning did not start well... I got called at 6 by work. I then managed to cancel my alarm and miss Zumba. I then procrastinated for hours, ate loads of pasta and had to rush to get ready to visit a very good friend who lives in the middle of nowhere. Literally.

I also started to feel sorry for my shoes (Oh I know, eventually I'll get help for this and see a shrink) the idea behind the blog was to wear all of my shoes to prove that I do actually wear them. But by forever buying more, and only getting to wear one pair a day (apart from gym trainers, occassionally driving shoes and when my feet are going to break off) I'm letting them down. They may only get one wear this year...

Oh who am I kidding, it was a passing thought. They get worn, they're loved and they have a great mother, ME :)

So to visit my friend in the middle of nowhere I decided to go for boots over jeans. These boots I bought in Amsterdam. I was *almost* done for the day shopping (believe it or not I actually get tired sometimes of shopping) when I spotted these in the window of an expensive shop. I decided to have a look anyway, although I'd dismissed the idea of buying them as I knew they'd be too expensive.

By some bizairre twist of fate they were very reasonable!!! So I nabbed them before they realised their mistake and put the price back up.

I like to pretend I'm a celebrity when I wear these boots. Kim Kardashian or J-Lo. Or at least someone who ate KK and J-Lo and stole their shoes.

Love always,
Tishoo xx

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